Emma Calow
Social media & Research Consultant
Born and bred in Northern Ireland, Emma is a 3rd year Ph. student in the American Culture Studies program at Bowling Green State University in Ohio @officialbgsu. She is in the ethnicity, gender, and social identity track with a focus on sport studies. Emma has teaching experience in BGSU’s Department of Ethnic Studies and in the Fall will be teaching in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department.
Using a critical interpretive-humanistic epistemology driven by feminsit cultural studies and intersectionality, Emma’s work lives predominantly in the sociocultural studies of sport, women in sport, and athlete activism. Her research also lies in mental wellbeing and disordered eating among former and current athletes – interests that stem from her experiences as an elite athlete in Ireland and Bermuda. More generally, Emma is intellectually curious about hip-hop studies, respectability politics, and pedagogy.
Aside from academia, Emma is a lover of dogs, dancing, and Drake @champagnepapi!!